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EXSHINE Part Number:EX-A6D22DS29A2
Manufacturer Part Number:A6D22DS29A2
Manufacturer / Brand:Tyco
Brief Description:A6D22DS29A2 Tyco con New in stock
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status:Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Condition:New and unused, Original
Datasheet Download:A6D22DS29A2
Alternative Replacement:-
Real Time Availability for
In stock: 70900 pcs can ship in 1-2 days.
Future Stock: 12000 pcs in 7-10 days.
Manufacturer Lead time: 8-10 Weeks

Click below to order A6D22DS29A2 online

US$ 0

Reference Marketing Price: N/A

Our Best Price: N/A (Email us)



  • Description
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Product Parameter

Voltage -
Type -
Series A6D22DS
Package Type con
Operating Temperature -
Mounting Type -
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) 1
MFG Part Code A6D22DS29A2
Features -
Delivery Time 1 Day
Date Code New

You can choose the below payment options. Please contact our sales team if you have any questions.

 T/T (Bank Transfer)
 Receiving: 1-4 days.

 Receiving: immediately.

 Western Union
 Receiving: 1-2 hours.

 Receiving: 1-2 hours.

 Receiving: immediately.

You can choose the below shipping options, contact our sales team to check the shipping cost to your address.
If you don't want to use our shipping service, you can also arrange pick up from our warehouse or ship by your courier account.

 Delivery time: 1-3 days.
 Delivery time: 1-3 days.
 Delivery time: 2-4 days.
 Delivery time: 3-6 days.
 Delivery time: 7-10 days.

Distributor of Tyco

We are a professional electronic components distributor of Tyco.
Browse the products made by Tyco, Tyco is available, You can send us your required part number and quantity for quotation. We will reply to your inquiry as soon as possible, we will offer you the best service and the best quality.
Contact Email: [email protected].

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